Shaping San Francisco explores San Francisco's Crosstown Trails
And special offsite events at various locations (see below)
Continuing our experiments with new kinds of programming, rooted in the pandemic motivating us to pioneer our "Walk 'n' Talk" Urban Forums, this spring we are exploring San Francisco's recently established Crosstown Trail and its companion Double-Cross Trail. All three urban hikes are opportunities to enjoy these unique routes through lesser traveled parts of San Francisco with interesting and curious people. Bring friends and family, or make new friends along the way! And feel free to bring YOUR knowledge of the history of these parts of the City, as Shaping San Francisco will do its best to fill in some surprising bits and pieces along the way. Join us for these explorative adventures with old friends and longtime collaborators. BYOB and snacks to share if you are so inclined.

Saturday, March 8, 12-3 pm
Alemany Farm to Candlestick Point
An Urban Walk & Talk
Join Shaping San Francisco and friends for a spirited hike and rambling conversation(s) as we hike from Alemany Farm south through the Excelsior, skirting across McLaren Park's eastern slopes, down the Visitacion Valley Greenway, past the Recology Transfer Station, under 101 and behind Bayview Hill until we end out in the Bay at the end of Candlestick Point State Recreation Area. Transportation back provided by the MUNI shuttle service.
We welcome donations. Donate now!

Sunday, April 13, 9 am
Kayak Tour of Islais Creek
with Mark Morey of Kayaks Unlimited (attendance limited!)
with Mark Morey of Kayaks Unlimited (attendance limited!)
SORRY! The Kayak Tour is AT CAPACITY!
Experienced and first-time kayakers are welcome to explore the Islais Creek waterway at the intersection of San Francisco Bay while learning about the history, ecology, and peculiarities of this place. Kayaks and flotation gear provided. Must sign a Kayaks Unlimited waiver. Attendance limited! RSVP quickly to shaping@foundsf.org!
This is a free event, but we gladly accept donations. donate now!

Saturday, April 19, 12-3 pm
West Portal to Glen Canyon Park
An Urban Walk & Talk
Join Shaping San Francisco and friends for a spirited hike and rambling conversation(s) as we hike from bustling West Portal over the Crosstown Trail's route to the top of Glen Canyon and then descend the length of the canyon to emerge at Glen Park.
We welcome donations. Donate now!

Saturday, April 26, 1–3:30 PM
with gathering 3:30–5:30 PM
Noe Valley Then & Now Photo Hunt
with SFPL Noe Valley Branch Library
Who was José de Jesús Noé and where did his former residence stand? What about John Meirs Horner, and why did he create Horner’s Addition? Traverse Dale and Vale Streets, walk the route of dairy cows and billy goats, and more!
Shaping San Francisco and the San Francisco Public Library Noe Valley Branch host a “know your neighborhood history” photo hunt. Join us and explore the neighborhoods of “Then” Rancho San Miguel, of which today’s Noe Valley was a part. Around Noe Valley and Fairmount Heights, historic images will be posted where they were originally taken. Participants are encouraged to capture the “Now” views of today’s city using their own cameras. Choose from our selection of routes.* Each one reveals how this neighborhood’s industry, landscape, and demographics have changed over time.
You are invited to share your photos from the hunt, the best of which will be added to Shaping San Francisco’s digital archive, FoundSF.org. Wrapping up at the San Francisco Public Library Noe Valley Branch, enjoy light refreshments, tell tales of discovery, and receive a keepsake “zine” specially designed for the event.
* Some chosen routes have hills to climb and descend, and others are more forgiving.
We welcome donations. Donate now!

Thursday, May 22, 6 pm
S.F. Dept. of Memory Pub Crawl
Special Event with members of the Dept. of Memory and you!
Join the San Francisco Department of Memory, an at-large team of community & local historians that preserve city memory, on a drink-finding mission through Financial District and North Beach bars. In our effort to recreate, delve into, and understand San Francisco's deep past to the recent present, we invite you to consult the spirits with us. Numquam Obliviscar: we'll never forget!
We welcome donations. Donate now!

Saturday, May 31, 12-3 pm
Hidden San Francisco 2nd Edition
Special Event: An Urban Hike in the Presidio!
Chris Carlsson hosts an urban hike to celebrate the release of the 2nd edition of Hidden San Francisco.. Starting at the Tunnel Top Park, snacks and beverages will be shared, and a brief presentation of the new content of the book with new copies for sale. Then we'll take one of the newly featured Hidden Ecological Treks in the book, going west and up and over the Presidio and down to Baker Beach.
We welcome donations. Donate now!

Saturday, June 7, 12-3 pm
Rose Garden to Land's End
An Urban Walk & Talk
Join Shaping San Francisco and friends for a spirited hike and rambling conversation(s) as we hike from along the Crosstown Trail from Golden Gate Park's Rose Garden north to Mountain Lake and then west to Land's End.
We welcome donations. Donate now!