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Next Three Events:

Bicycle and Walking tours, Public Talks, plus Bay Cruises!

Download the Spring 2025 calendar as a pdf here.

Saturday, February 15, 12-2:30 pm

Cutting Corners: Rincon Hill, South Park, and Beyond

A Free Walking Tour

Sorry! This tour is AT CAPACITY!

Explore the mid- to late-19th century processes of the making of a new urban and industrial center on the West Coast, as well as the social, economic, and cultural forces influencing the transformation of the South of Market and Mission Bay landscapes. Uncover buried knowledge of language, water, marshes, shorelines, bays, sand dunes, rocky mounds, and landfull. Learn the names of disappeared hills, points, creeks, valleys, and waterways that still exist under the surface. Hosted by LisaRuth Elliott.

Tour ends at 4th and Berry.

RSVP  or donate now!

Wednesday, February 26, 7:30 pm

New Luddites vs. Biopiracy and AI

“New Luddites” Camila Morena and Jim Thomas join us fresh from the latest conference on biotech at Asilomar. Up close and deep in the international negotiations on biodiversity, climate change, and synthetic biology, both of them have seen how the proponents of AI are working to inject their techno-fantasies into every realm. They share a cogent presentation of what’s going on beyond our view, and how a new Luddism is the sensible response.

We welcome donations. Donate now!

Saturday, March 8, 12-3 pm

Alemany Farm to Candlestick Point

An Urban Walk & Talk

Join Shaping San Francisco and friends for a spirited hike and rambling conversation(s) as we hike from Alemany Farm south through the Excelsior, skirting across McLaren Park's eastern slopes, down the Visitacion Valley Greenway, past the Recology Transfer Station, under 101 and behind Bayview Hill until we end out in the Bay at the end of Candlestick Point State Recreation Area. Transportation back provided by the MUNI shuttle service.

We welcome donations. Donate now!

Explore Shaping San Francisco:

Ecology Emerges poster art by Mona Caron

Ecology Emerges

Discussions and reflections on the history of Bay Area ecological activism, based on oral histories documenting the past 50 years.

Ecology Emerges is an oral history gathering project to explore the past 50 years of ecological activism in the Bay Area and the role that individual and institutional memories play in the development, policy proposals, and interrelationships that together make up the existing networks of ecological politics.  We document the living ecological activist movement, in their own words, but also in a larger context of urban growth and globalization.

Read more…

Oral Histories

Oral Histories

Shaping San Francisco, as part of our ongoing work, sits down with people who have stories to tell and conducts oral history interviews.

Check them out here.

"Editor's Pick Tour" from

Comprised of over 1,400 pages, and 2,500 historical photos, the wiki-based archive is the product of hundreds of contributors, regular people who were compelled by the chance to investigate some piece of this City's past.

See the latest highlights…